The size of the penis body strongly influences the psycho-emotional state of men. If the feeling of lack of size have problems with social adaptation, significantly increases the risk of depression.
Available in a variety of techniques for penis enlargement will give the opportunity to change the sexual side of life men. It is important to understand in the list in the manner specified, in collaboration with physician (!) to choose for themselves the most optimal is physiology, resources and time.

The most effective ways to
There are some of the most effective ways to achieve a bigger penis:
- certain physical exercises sexual organ;
- recipes;
- creams, ointments;
- gels;
- nozzles;
- surgical intervention;
- biologically active food supplements and other medications;
- nozzles;
- special equipment.
Physical stress include:
- massage;
- jelkin g;
- cropping;
- masturbation;
- exercises Aaron;
- exercises.
The structure of the penis is spongy body and stimulating massage helps to strengthen the influx of at in the blood, which causes their expansion.
Include massage technique is especially popular in three:
- Dao. Affect the particular head of the penis body. The index finger and big toes are connected to the ring, they bow member. Movement is such a "ring" producing in the direction of the head, at a slow pace and when approaching his stop to hand over 10 seconds;
- Uli (Julia). It is initially valid for the thickness change of the authority. Aglow member of the bow hand and constrict 40 seconds. Then, 10-15 seconds hand relax and repeat the exercise. The number of repetitions must be at least 5 times;
- Double Uli . With one hand squeeze the penis at the base and the second bow around the head. At the same time the hands constrict and vice versa within a period of 30 to 60 seconds. The frequency of the handles and the duration of the exercises depends on the feel better equipped.
The regular use of the massage allows to achieve increase in length up to 7 cm, volume – up to 3 see
Jelkin g
Technique of jelqing resembles a massage of the penis and its efficiency is based on the same mechanism to be valid.
Meet he may be three options:
- Dry. Penis bow across the hands and produce the movement from the base of the head, where the hand of change and the traffic directed in the opposite direction.
- Wet. This requires carrying out jelqing under a continuous flow of warm water. Use a loofah or towel, which packed the reproductive body.
- Oil. A thin layer of an intimate means a member of the bow to round out the index and thumb to slide them the entire length. In doing so, the member must be able to weak excitation and hand movement need to be repeated without the pressure to 100 times at the beginning of the training session and about 200 times after the first months.
Workout in the form of stretch recommends to increase the length of the men's dignity, but the thickness thereby can be reduced.

The execution of the exercise consists of several elements:
- penis heated in the palms, take a comfortable position. Important not to have an erection at the beginning of procrastination;
- penis bow hand over head and gently drag themselves alternately forward, down, right and left, still as far as possible on the point for 10 seconds. Doing this should not be painful feeling;
- after procrastination slowly weaken acumen and make a break for 10-15 seconds before re-direction of procrastination.
The repetition of such exercises will make about 15-20.
Regular masturbation can help enhance the penis, if the target does not exceed add 1-2 we find the Results are related to the increased blood flow to the member, which is the basis of almost all methods, the parameters of the changes in the men's dignity. But because of its orientation on the psycho-emotional satisfaction, the greater the outcome it does not give.
Exercises Aaron
Aaron released a book about the anatomy of men's penile body, myths of this structure and the factors that affect the erection and size, and most importantly – this publication is dedicated to the possibility of increase of a member. Basis of books – the experience of Aaron and the other men.
Perusal of this literature allows men to extend their knowledge of their own body, teach you how to correctly measure your penis and how to influence their own settings, while retaining the result is the whole life.
Exercises for the growth of the dignity of the
Exercises are developed Kegel, targeted muscle strengthening of the pelvic diaphragm. The main problem with their execution the definition of the right muscles and concentration. To find the muscles, men have the need to go to the toilet is a small poor and urinating to stop and continue the process, while trying to feel the muscles that pingutuvad at the moment shut down.
All the brighter for yourself Kegel exercises – workout "Start/Stop". It is the daily repetition of the methodology of the search for muscle urinating, on every visit to the washroom.
Another common exercise is not related to natural processes, this can be done at any place and with any outfit. Just alternately reducing and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles, which are defined previously.
Folk and old methods
Rahvameditsiin is rich in resources, which change the size of the men's dignity.
The most popular is considered ordinary kitchen soda. The most effective recipes soda:
- concentrated tub. Him shall be taken of the convenient packaging, for example, the wide and high glass, pour warm water and to sleep a teaspoon of baking soda. The solution mixed to dissolve the crystals of soda, then dip there penis 15 minutes;
- brush. Penis to moisten the ordinary pure water, then massage the movements to rub the skin of the body soda the entire length. It is important to proceed with caution, so as not to injure delicate fabrics;
- compress. Soda sprinkled evenly on clean bandage or other fabric, then slightly wetted and packed in a penis for 15-20 minutes. The main thing is not to close to compress the head.
Some plants and herbs would also encourage a change in penis size, especially popular are such recipes:
- wormwood. Seeds of plants are taking in the volume, which is equal to 5 g, pour them with cold water and put on fire. Boil need no more than 10 minutes. After the composition has cooled, it should be to drink 100 ml three times a day;
- honey and ginseng. Half a teaspoon of pure honey, add 350 g chopped roots of ginseng and mix, allow to stand a week and a half. The finished mixture is used inside three times a day teaspoon half an hour before meals;
- ginseng. Take 20 g chopped roots of ginseng and pour it with 200 ml of 70% alcohol. After giving the mixture to stand for 7 days. If the composition of the stand, use it orally 20-30 drops twice daily 30 minutes before meals;
- garlic. 200 g of crushed garlic grinder and pour 200 ml of alcohol. Mixture stand for 10 days in a dark place, after which it taken by mouth 25 drops two times per day for 90 days;
- thyme. 100 g of raw pour a glass of boiling water and insist, until the mixture has cooled completely. Take the tincture two times a day.
Penis enlargement can also be used as a simple medical tool — a petroleum jelly. It is injected under the skin of the penis by injection to quite painful. After the procedure, space on the injection treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Way to complex and risky because of the high risk of body infection. No less dangerous is that the petroleum jelly can be unevenly distributed under the skin and this leads to poor visual outcome, which is difficult to improve.
There is opinion, that apart from the vaseline, which helps to make more the penis and drink, but it is rather a tool become a reason for contact with the skin of the skin of the penis body, if helps to get the desired results.
Men can also use other options:
- normal soap for use every day during hygienic procedures, replacing them with shower gels. Soap irritating effect on the skin veils and with tactile stimulation during washing stick and penis enlargement due to the intense blood flow and expand the cavernous tel member;
- essential oil, especially sandalwood, often opt for penis enlargement. It is used after swimming, creating at the base of the penis and scrotal 15 drops of tools, and then slowly, rubbing it the entire length up to the full access vanishes. Course use essential oil continues for a year, but already over the 4 week period will appear in the first results.
Some choose to rather exotic methods:
- bee stings. Painful method effective due to the fact that the place of the bite of amplified blood flow, there will be dilation of blood vessels and improves the rheology of blood. Looks like this procedure is simple – bee to try and put in a normal pack, this is the same as the dip of the penis. After that, if the insect sting the body, a sting to take and massage a member of the uniform distribution of bee poison. The methodology shall take place not more frequently than 2 times per week. The number of insects the first time and the last is different, because will the one of bees, and gradually let their number is up to 10;
- self-hypnosis. It is believed that as a result of self-hypnosis activated regions in the brain, which leads to an increase in the synthesis of sex hormones men, necessary for the penis enhancement. Since the process itself of sex lies in the field of the psyche, then also not forget that aspect is not worth it. Category self-hypnosis can be done with hypnosis and the use of conspiracies, whose activity is of the same type;
- synthol – a very dangerous option. This particular medicine and it is used mainly, pitching, creating an artificial, rather than muscle volume in the tissues. Simply put, the injections, the animals body inside the bubbles, bloodshot this liquid. The medication is injected deep into the tissues of the members of the injection, which should be carried out by people who have a medical education. But given its toxicity, infection risk and complexity of the setting – tool is not recommended for use.
Do not forget also that the growth of the penis important to a proper diet, enriched with the next products:

- greece and pine nuts, almonds – rich in trace elements and vitamins, which improve metabolism and increase the semen quality;
- eggs contain elements which are necessary for the proper development of the reproductive system for men;
- citrus fruits – increase in the number of sperm count, and increase of their activity;
- oysters – a natural aphrodisiac;
- oatmeal – stimulates testosterone synthesis;
- brussels sprouts – it is necessary to expand the cavernous tel and increase in activity of cell division;
- papaya – increase the elasticity of men's dignity;
- garlic contains allitsiin, feet blood circulation correcting, which increases the penis and improve erection.