If a man is not satisfied with the size of their intimate member, he sees this as a serious problem that infringes his life. Self-esteem drops, self-confidence, especially in bed, leaves to be desired. Rid of young complexes, invented many medicines and methods, how to increase your penis at home.
Normal dimensions
- Into the inactive state of the penis is 5 to 10 сантиметрам, эрегированном 14 to 16. The circumference or diameter of about 3-4 centimeters.
- Such is the optimal size for the corresponding depth and volume of the vagina.
- If the magnitude is your dignity varies between these limits, is the problem likely to be contrived, is psychological, not physiological characteristics.
- Deviation from the norm can find the length of the member less than eight centimeters able to get an erection adult. The normal dimensions of the penis or not - it depends on the aesthetic preferences, the query of sexual партнерши.
- The size of a member does not affect the extent to meet women is all the time in the vicinity. Opinion that only the large dimensions of the not meet the the sale.

The truth and mythology
- The main error - the value of the child-bearing of the body affects the "brutality". It is also wrong to say that having large dimensions, the man automatically becomes and brilliant love. Tact, attention and skills - these are the main attributes of the macho.
- The dependence of the size of the фаллоса from the ears, mouth and nose we do not discuss. Such a theory does not suffer from any criticism. These parts of the body is formed of different factors, so that the mutual excluded.
- Big weight does not affect size, it is also a myth. Just under the fat layer in the lower abdomen visually lost centimeters. Pounds negatively act very possibility of intercourse - the occurrence of desire, erections, and this problem is even more important.
Is spobnost reproduction length will affect slightly less than the somehow can not. Proof of this - overpopulation in China.
- It really affects the measurements: heredity, racial origin, harmonious development of adolescence.
- The concept of norm - very broad: that the norm of the chinese or the koreans, to african men - pathology and vice versa.
This is a long process, the result is here - the union of a number of factors:
- Measure is necessary to the erect member.
- Centimeter tape is pushed onto the root directory of a barrel back up to the top point of the head.
- Three the length of the put, the displayed average.
- The thickness is measured in three places: u the root, the middle, either cervical.
- Similarly, the length has been deducted, the average of the indicator.
- The measurement took place three times: in the morning/ day/ evening. The size of the penis variable. It depends on the body temperature and the environment, the degree of arousal, psychological status, and many more.
When a decision finally, you have firmly decided to increase the member in the home, let us look at the methods of adding volume to the body.
These are several:
- jelqing;
- complex Kegel;
- surgical enhancement;
- the effect of massage;
- подвешивание children ;
- drug use;
- extender;
- помпа vacuum;
- gel, spray, ointment, cream;
- nozzle.
The result brings the comprehensive effects of several methods. No need to wait for the penis instantly. Most importantly, the persistence, regularity, then the efforts will bring results.

How to increase your penis at home?
- Increase penis at home many men feel skeptical. By far not all methods are functioning so as to allow the advertising. The main task - to choose the method, which would be a waste of time and money.
1. Complex Kegel
These exercises are beneficial to the whole of the lower pelvis: prevents men pathology, improves sexual life, strengthen and slightly increase the size of the member. Trains pubic-coccygeus muscle (LMB).
How to find it:
- during urination try to stop the jet, you're under tension. Remember what the muscle seems to be tense - it is the LABOUR market board.
How to make:
- strain muscle days to 20 times for three seconds, then relax. Gradually increase up to 50 times.
- if you learn to compress the LABOUR market in isolation from other muscles, to increase his time packing up to 10 seconds, with your leave 4 seconds. Start 20 times a day, to bring up to 50-70.
Controls LMB:
- move the erect member or make him bounce. If you are able to do this without a strong tension, then it is enough натренировали muscle.
Keep it is condition, do not throw exercises. In order to maintain the tone, hang the erect phallus towel and hold for some time.
2. Jelqing

- Technique of Jelqing due to the complexity of the massaažiliigutustega called "milking". Manual effects jelqing controlled, will give good results.
- Phallus may not be fully эрегированном possible. Erection is no longer a 60-75% full power.
Exercise 1
- Before the direct "milking" the erectile tissues of the need to warm up. This increases their elasticity. The most simple way: heat or salt flour in a pan, pour the bag (can be a sock), add to its dignity, in every hand, its warming up.
- Then to achieve the lack of an erection, use a lubricant. At the base of the enfold in the trunk with your finger, close the ring.
- Very slowly move round the head, as would be pulling. Touch up the head do not need.
- We start with 40 broach fucking, gradually increasing their number up to two hundred.
Exercise 2
- This exercise penis enlargement penis crushes all over her. Girth of the trunk, сжимаем its at least 10 seconds. If it exceeds the limits of the palm, able to connect a process to another.
- If the pressure put alternately left, right, down, up (order doesn't matter). Compression should be strong, but painless, so as not to damage the soft tissues.
- Reviews allow an extension of 2 cm per month.
3. Massage
In addition, the increment of the length, increasing the member, plus the massage positive effect on potency.
Most importantly - the correct execution of the technique. Follow the recommendations prevents injury, promotes greater success.
- Before the massage need to fuel the sexual organ.
- A small towel dampened with warm water, they wrap the penis.
- Wait a few minutes and repeat the procedure two more times. The impact will increase significantly after this compress. Increases blood supply to the skin is the best stretch.
There are different ways of massage. Some stimulate to erect the organ, the other relaxed.
Stop to be a kind of one technique and do it systematically.

4. Подвешивание cargo
- Increase penis hanging to her children - травмоопасный method. This main effect of weight on the ligaments, and erectile tissues. This leads to the elongation, increases the length of the penis. The thickness does not change.
- Before the procedure детородный body heat massage.
- Then before the head sticking plaster, who take lace.
- Подвешивается low weight (there is a video of its construction).
- The first conversations should last a quarter of an hour. The goods weight, procedure time, gradually increase.
- Head of the penis not the head dumb. If it happened - reduce the load.
5. Extender
- Extender pulls and stretches also a phallus, so the fabric to get rid of uncomfortable tension begins to grow. The device provides long-term result of the increased dimensions of the such remain. Extender will need to use every day for a couple of hours.
Happens вакуумным, loopy, belt. Looped is cheaper, but not as comfortable, such as a vacuum or a point.
6. Помпа
Externally reminiscent of the pump. Used to increase the size and improve the potency. Is able to help, if the erect organ is not able to achieve the desired elasticity in a natural way. Помпа to create a vacuum to stimulate blood flow, improves erectile.
The implementation of the vacuum помпа?
- Before use, the member will need to process the bark and enter the cylinder, which is equipped with a heater.
- The device to perform the vacuum, the air cylinder выкачивается, the body becomes under pressure.
- Due to the intense blood flow, помпа increases the volume and the size of the penis (on the internet you can find a video of the process). The pressure inside the vacuum adjusts the built-in манометром.
- This extension, which will help to achieve the помпа, is temporary, so apply it to the best, only before the sex. Many men are using this, as the increase in size promotes the effect lasting erection.
- Sell помпа in pharmacies or shops of intimate goods.
Gel, spray, ointment, cream
No matter in what form, the medication or off (cream, spray), these effects happen 3 types:
- Short-term (time intimate act);
- Long-term (long-term result);
- Additional services: the effect is, if the secondary use of more than strong medications.
- Cream or ointment with a short-term effect is easy to cope with the task. Quite add to their lineup is strong, warming component, that is able to cause congestion of men's dignity. Happens temporary increase in the head member and himself.
- The ointment or gel can not do without the assistance of the massage or the extender to provide a tangible result for a long time. Choosing a medication for a long time, do not believe the positive feedback under the description of the tools, photo and video from the series "before and after".
- If to talk about вспомогательном effect, then, these tools and medications - this is what you need.
Penis enlargement methods are very diverse, whether their impact?
- Of course it is, but if young people do not have the strength to do it in the morning charging, hardly he can be regularly every day, through intimate gymnastics.
- Truly small members in the wild is no more than 5 %. Therefore, do not engage in the length and extent. Better learn how to own your own tool so that it will not leave a woman indifferent.
Love yourself and your men the dignity of becoming your pride, regardless of its size.