There are a few key areas, methods to determine the problems with potency, we described in detail the most effective of them.

The problems of men in the forces, which can occur at any age and it is related to the unpleasant phenomenon of a very different negative factors. This is not only old age, as I think most of the, reasons for erectile dysfunction a lot, from stress and ending up with physical injuries. As we know, prevention of impotence men underestimate very rarely, often is "on the market" disease. Fortunately, the absolute majority of cases, the situation is amendable in a short period of time for reasonable money.
How to increase potency and achieve real results?
It is important to understand the causes of the difficulties, try to eliminate the negative points and then increased the erection happen, as if by itself. Often men potential damage to the body's general condition: stress, fatigue, illness. Sometimes enough to turn people's funds to anyone, more like justified itself on the market of medications. In some cases, is to solve the problems turning to the services hospital. All methods are good own way, you just need to choose the most suitable.
Prevention — the most cost effective way to keep sexual health for long.
The life of today's men are full of events, days run for more than a day, do not have the time to pay attention to your body. Having a theme is fatigue, in stressful situations, the wrong diet. Many unfortunately dependent on bad habits.
Do not know "how to increase potency?", most of the men completely think prevention! Over the decision of problems begin to work when he had already appeared. However, it should be kept in mind – if the potency is already starting to fall, which means health, for a long time was under attack. If more time is advanced disease, the more difficult it is for him to win. What should be done to avoid the occurrence of difficulties?
First of all, be careful to monitor the body's general condition. Avoid excessive loads, not to burden themselves excessive number of tremendous work, not to sit also extended to the back of your computer. Electromagnetic field adversely affect the organism, creating a depression in male potency. Static, sedentary posture for a long time also harmful. Physical activity — a typical diagnosis of the modern man, especially in large cities.
Ago men's power can be easily and very quickly: success in the war to get an erection – failure, bad habits. Enough to stop to devote time to the cigarettes, ruled out alcohol or reduce it to a minimum, to ensure that the experience – it works. It turns out, the path is much shorter, than you can imagine!
If the condition is not too difficult, should be to limit the presence in food spirits refuse 100% of them may not, but here is smoking is still best to remove completely in your life. Just nicotine is the main enemy of testosterone – a hormone, which is the real golden key at a permanent erection. Certainly alcohol reduces the production of this valuable hormone.

It's important to carefully monitor your weight: its large fluctuations, the extra pounds are a very bad influence to health, affecting and sexual system. The prostate gland can not produce testosterone, when the stomach is loaded with rasvaladestusega. It anymore, thanks to the overweight increases cholesterol, clogged blood vessels, and the blood is too slow, rushing flow to the penis. Thus, the weight of a serious threat to men's erections. It is necessary to abandon the fatty, high-calorie food to create a balanced menu.
Available surveillance system, thanks to whom it became known: sometimes you have to choose a partner, especially if it's legal spouse, undermine self-esteem and the actual status of men in the sexual sphere. Some women require stronger half of mankind grand victories and impressive earnings. The result is a man, trying to prove their abilities, loses its health, quickly gets tired. Certainly the end of suffering and the sexual life. Tortured over how their health back to the previous level, so as not to lose the love of women, not every man can find out the actual cause of the problem. Over the worth thinking about and analyze the relationship with your "other half".
If the difficulties for a long time a mixture of full sexual life, and the neurosis has already significantly weakened mental state, you can do auto-training or contact a specialist-psychologist. Here are all of the methods are good, they need to be experienced in the activities, determining the best.
Just prevention, clarification and the elimination of the real causes of the disorders of erection, which will open the way to getting rid of problems.
Simple tricks – the special food, steam bath, contrast baths, and miracles on ice
Sometimes the simple way is the most secure.
Very favorably of men's potential to influence the hiking sauna: visiting 10-15 minutes 2-3 times a couple of, can greatly increase blood circulation, improve the body and thus regain the lost opportunities. Go to a sauna all of the best two times a week, and take a birch broom.
Useful to sit at bedtime contrast on the issue. Hot and cold water, cover with a couple of containers, each of them is enough to be one minute and the score changed about 8-10 times. The temperature difference may gradually increase, due too the sharp decline in damage, especially when the procedure is unfamiliar.
Unexpectedly strong healing properties of ice. Wrapped in gauze several layers of finely mounted, connect the ice – a great tool to raise the potency. To do this, take 500 grams of ice, make the folds and turns to make it different areas, each one minute. The procedure is as follows: first press the base of the skull, then put a heart, then a scrotal.
It is also important to follow the correct diet, apply vitamin to eat fresh vegetables and fruits. Excellent support to the sexual sphere the following products, if those on a regular diet:
- egg yolks and eggs;
- raw garlic;
- walnuts;
- pulses;
- braised carrots in milk;
- honey and chocolate.

Physical tone-raising
Physical health exactly does not harm. The body's overall tone, the activity will help to raise special exercises. To start to be accustomed to daily charging, walks and better – I get fresh air, a reasonable load on the body. Then start learning.
If the man to improve things in the bedroom by means of workouts? To know there are some of the most effective exercises, they are quite simple.
Need to is comfortable to sit in for matt. Then bend each leg, so it was convenient. The index finger and thumb, the fingers must grasp the Achilles tendon a minute to rub and squeeze him to remain in the longitudinal direction.
Pressure it is recommended to strengthen when the gear goes down. Exercise repeat for the second leg. Ending the procedure, the area of the tendon tweaks, about half a minute. A modest manipulation can greatly stimulate sexual function, if it has a positive influence on the work of the bladder and kidneys.
Sitting on the carpet comfortable posture, the need to put each other in the palm of hand and massage the left leg with circular movements. Start with a massage in front of the left leg, moving the stop in the middle of the gastrocnemius muscles. Then also massaged the right leg. Spend enough to carry out each of feet within minutes, to relax the prostate.
In the third exercise, to be to lie in a prone position, put the hands under the chin, and elbows diluted. Then sharply inhale, bend the right leg and try to reach the knee up from the right elbow.
To its original position to ensure constant exhalation. Thus, the small pelvis blood begins to actively circulate, it is normal function in your ureters and bladder.
Raise the potency of natural means
Honey and other natural gifts help to maintain, restore and enhance male power.
A lot of great resources is a gift of nature – he knows very well what is necessary to human health. App men come in plants. It is a wonderful natural doctors, without synthetics and chemicals. They have a positive effect on the body, ideal for the installation of any diet.
- The good effect gives a cocktail of honey, carrot juice, it is recommended to drink three times during the day a quarter of a cup. Drunk 2 times a day 20 drops of garlic tincture can help to eliminate erection problems, a tool for acquiring pharmacies.
- One month is a good commitment to the treatment of nuts with honey, these mixed in equal parts. The key to the product later than 20 minutes after eating, twice a day 2 tsp. Best of all is to drink a mixture of milk, then this effect will be strengthened.
- It is also useful to add to your diet, cabbage juice, as you know, is it noticeably improves erection.
- Excellent properties is this infusion: the need to take the blooms to the tops of basil, crushed leaves of walnut (2 tablespoons horseradish (8 tablespoons). Further it is necessary to boil the red wine, pour a mixture of one litre of beverage, and good to insist, first of all, wrapped in cloth. Then the beverage is filtered to take, it must be before meals, 3 times during the day, 100 ml
- Medical kopsurohi a good addition to a salad, soup, as well as drink the infusion: in order to be a glass of boiling water pour 10 g of pulverized dry kopsurohi and drain for an hour. Take tool 3 times during the day, one tbsp. spoon. Well help branches of a young maple, asparagus, pumpkin seeds and pine nuts.
Raise the potency of medicines. Viagra and its "daughters" — Cialis, Levitra
There is a large selection of various tools erection. The most authoritative — Viagra, Levitra, Cialis.
High demand to enjoy the most well-known medications. Taking tablets is enough convenient, the effect occurs very quickly and works medicine exactly – specifically sexual member. Side effects almost no addictive is not observed. True, talking about the so-called psychological dependence. Here are two factors: then, without drunk pills, sex can not be executed; knowing that the result is achieved only thanks to the preparation, the man unconsciously he is convinced, depending on the medication and their own impotence.
How to support the potency of the medication? To start it is best to prepare for the combination of drug treatment with other methods to solve the problems. For example, exercise, healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition. Then the body also makes its own contribution to improve their sexual life.
Resorting to treatment, which is based on the application of tablets, many are turning to this brand. Viagra perfectly proved in the market. But it must be taken carefully, otherwise there is the difficulty to get an erection there will be more. The fact of the matter is that the drug stimulates the blood vessels. If you do it too often, certainly be a recession in activity. In doing so, microdozes Viagra almost perfect. Generics (analogues) of Viagra not at all inferior to him.
Action Levitra (another drug treatment for impotence) significantly delayed the minimum time – 10-25 minutes, but the duration of it is less than, for example, whether the Cialis. But 5 hours – a good time. Levitra quickly excreted from the body is minimal side effects (occurring in only 2% of cases). That relationship has lasted two times longer than is enough to spend treatment Levitra-month period.
Contraindications and side effects of Cialis are minimal, and though he will"," later is the maximum of the full effect is achieved usually 2 hours, but the activities significantly longer – about 35 hours.

Vacuum, injection, prolactin, and surgery to increase the strength of the
Thanks to medical development, almost all cases of impotence are treatable.
There are ways to treat erectile dysfunction under the conditions of the hospital through special arrangements. Below you can see the main treatment methods what medical are currently:
- A vacuum-constrictor repair, what you need to do just before intercourse, stimulates the blood circulation. Unfortunately, the procedure is very short-term impact, it is also observed side effects.
- Injections can achieve good results after the injection of the penis mixture. The action does not depend on the excitation and erection occurs only due to the medicinal product concerned.
- Defining what kind of hormonal treatment needs to be done, the doctors will identify the content of the hormones. Worst of all is if the gender affects the lack of prolactin. His produces in front of the share in the pituitary gland. If it has problems, pathology of the pituitary gland need to remove – then the prolactin again come to the rescue, that erection can be restored.
- Extreme tool – a surgical intervention. He has been using the most severe cases when all other methods do not give results. Operate vessels in the penis to carry out the prosthetics phallus. This method is the most cardinal.
Now you know all you need to win to ensure or improve the potency, – we talked about all the more effective as a treatment for impotence, you just choose your and sure to move the goals!